Membership Meeting March 7, 2022

Substance Abuse Council Agenda

March 7, 2022, 1:30 p.m.

Central Library, Browning Room B

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Treatment Committee:  12:30 pm.

Substance Abuse Council:  1:30 pm.

Law Enforcement Committee:  2:30 pm or after the council meeting ends.


  1. Call to Order


  1. Welcome and Introductions


  1. Approval of February 7, 2022 Minutes. (please check the attendance list for corrections)


  1. Treasurer’s Report


  1. Committee Reports
  2. Prevention
  3. Law Enforcement
  4. Treatment


  1. Director’s Report


  1. Old Business/Projects
  2. 2022 Grant Cycle/pre-applications/invitation to submit a grant
  3. Rough draft of 2022 CCP, due April 1


  1. New Business:


  1. Presentations:
  2. Misdemeanor Probation
  3. Counseling for Change


  1. Agency Announcements: In addition to agency announcements being made here, please email flyers to Dan that can be forwarded early tomorrow.


  1. Adjournment

NEXT MEETING: Monday,  April 4, at 1:30 pm, at the Evansville Central Library, Browning Room

The SAC Executive Committee: March 21, at noon, by Microsoft Teams.

Screening Committee:  March 21, following Executive Committee, by Microsoft Teams



7 February 2022

Members present:  Dee Lewis – President, Wally Paynter – TSA, Jill Hoskins – Brentwood, Daren Harmon – Prosecutor’s Office, Dan Miller – Director, Crystal Sisson – Holly’s House, Kevin Groves – Southwestern, Kathryn Kornblum-Zelle – Parenting Time, Heather Woods – Vice President, James Akin – Treasurer, Beth Greenwell – Adult Probation, Matt Corn – VCSO, Mike Gray – EPD, Avril Miller – Boom Squad, Shawn Brod – Now Counseling, Laura Wathen – Youth First, Molly Fahrlander – Patchwork Central, Brendon Shoptaugh – Patchwork Central, Tracy McCaffrey – Transgender Action, Hannah Girten – Patchwork, Julie Robinson – Tri-State Alliance

Dee Lewis, President, called the meeting to order at 1:35 pm. The meeting was held in person at the Central Library, Browning Room B, and via Microsoft Teams.

Minutes of the January 10, 2021, meeting had been emailed in advance of the meeting.  James Akin made one correction to the minutes the first paragraph, where Dee Lewis was identified as the Vice-President, rather than the President.  Jill Hoskins moved to approve the minutes as corrected.  James Akin seconded the motion, and the motion passed.

Treasurer’s Report:  James Akin presented the Treasurer’s report, which is attached.  There was no change to the balances of the Taste account or the CD.  The beginning balance in the checking account was $18,815.37.  Expenses were $2,912.07 for payroll, 2-months rent, phone/internet and office supplies, leaving an ending balance of 15,903.30.

Committee Reports:

Prevention Committee.  Chairman Laura Wathen had nothing new to report.  The committee will meet next month immediately following the council meeting.

Law Enforcement Committee.  Chairman Daren Harmon reported that drug crimes have increased dramatically, but due to implementation of a new version of the Prosecutor’s Case Management System, he did not yet have the monthly statistics.

Treatment Committee:  The committee met prior to this meeting.  Chairman Jackie Hughes was not able to stay for the council meeting.  Events Committee Chairman reported that the committee discussed resuming the Faces of Change workshop in the Fall, rather than this Spring.  They are looking at the end of October or beginning of November.  They are making plans to make it a virtual workshop but are holding out the possibility of having an in-person event.  They are also looking to have trainers and presenters from within the area, keeping it local and low-cost.  The committee will also be working on revising and updating the Treatment Resource Guide.

Director’s Report:  Dan Miller reported on the director’s activities since the last meeting.  His written report is attached to these minutes.

Previous Business:

  1. Pre-applications for the 2022 grant cycle are available as of today. They were emailed to all council members this morning.  They are also available on the website.  Dan will also send out a press release.  Preapplications are due February 28.  If the preapplications are approved, the grantees will be sent an application on or before March 28.  Grant applications will be due April 30.

New Business:

  1. Dan circulated a draft of the 2022 Comprehensive Community Plan. There are extensive changes as compared to the 2021 CCP.  Some of these changes were made in committees.  Some of the changes have been the result of Dan’s research and members’ gathering data locally.  Dan already knows that some revisions will be necessary; he is aware of other research that needs to included or that still needs to be gathered.  Also, he needs help updating some of the provider information.  He is asking all members of the council to review the document and suggest corrections and changes.


Boom Squad:  Avril Miller reported on the Boom Squad grant.  The grant covers the provision of a Youth First social worker to work on-site weekly with Boom Squad members.  It also funded a workshop, “7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens” by Sean Covery.  11 middle to high school students participated in that workshop, but Avril is reporting that the program has had an effect not only on the 11, but also on the rest of the group.

Vanderburgh County Sheriff Office:  Matt Corn reported on their grant, which allowed the department to purchase for the drug detectives a GPS Covert tracking device along with 3 Surface Pro Tablets to monitor the tracking device.  So far, the tracking device has been used in 10 investigations, some of which are on-going.  The department was also able to purchase 50 Faraday bags, which are used to secure cellular devices from electronic tampering while they are held in law enforcement custody.



Laura Wathen announced that Youth First had started 10 Family First Growth and Family First Success Programs.  She encouraged referrals to the program.  She will send Dan fliers to distribute.


YWCA will be hosting Surviving and Thriving discussions on domestic violence issues.  Dee Lewis will get fliers to Dan to distribute.

The next meeting is scheduled Monday, March 7, 2022, at 1:30, at Central Library, Browning Room B.

Treatment Committee will meet on March 7,2022 at 12:30 at Central Library in Browning Room B; Prevention Committee will meet after the conclusion of the March 7 meeting in Browning Room B.

The next Executive Committee Meeting is Monday, February 14, at noon, via Microsoft Teams.

Mike Gray moved to adjourn the meeting; the motion was seconded by Daren Harmon.  The motion passed, and President Dee Lewis adjourned the meeting.

Submitted by Dan Miller



Treasurer’s Report

February 7, 2022

Account                                           Checking                           Taste                                 CD


Beginning Balance 12-31-21        18,815.37                         8270.68                            20,155.73

Ending Balance 2-7-22                 15,903.30                         8270.68                            20,155.73


January Expenditures:


Payroll                                                            2,324.03

Rent                                                                  470.26

Phone, Internet:                                             104.95

Office Supplies                                                  12.83


Total                                                               2,912.07




7 February 2022


  • Indiana Coalitions Network, January 27
  • Smokefree Coalition meeting, January 11

Financial Review:

  • Prepared and sent W-2 forms
  • Prepared and submitted Annual Form W-2/W-3 and submitted to federal government.
  • Submitted a similar form to the state government
  • Paid state quarterly employment taxes and monthly federal employment taxes


  • Worked on 2022 CCP
  • Submitted 3rd quarter report to ICJI
  • Prepared an on-boarding orientation workshop for new executive committee members
  • Worked on website bugs



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