Substance Abuse Council Agenda

December 6, 2021, 1:30 p.m.

Central Library, Browning Room B


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1.         Call to Order

2.         Welcome and Introductions

3.         Approval of November minutes. (please check the attendance list for corrections)

4.         Committee Reports

            a.         Prevention

            b.         Law Enforcement

            c.         Treatment

4.         Director’s Report

5.         Old Business/Projects

            A. Officer Elections


6.         New Business:

            a.  2022 Meeting Schedule

            b.  6-Month grant reports due December 31

7.         Presentations:

            a.  Vanderburgh County Prosecutor Office               

            b.  Tri-State Alliance

            c.  Clean Slate – Shannon Parson

8.         Agency Announcements: In addition to agency announcements being made here, please email flyers to Dan that can be forwarded early tomorrow.

9.         Adjournment

NEXT MEETING: The next meeting of the Substance Abuse Council will be held on Monday,  January 10, at 1:30 pm, at the Evansville Central Library, Browning Room A or B.

The SAC Executive Committee will meet December 13, at noon, by Microsoft Teams.

Prevention Committee:  Immediately after this meeting



 1 November 2021

Members present:  Shannon Parson – Clean Slate, Crystal Sisson – Holly’s House, Jill Hoskins – Brentwood Springs, Daren Harmon – Prosecutor’s Office, Lindsey McCord – Patchwork Central, Molly Fahrlander – Patchwork Central, Stacey Kuder – Deaconess Cross Pointe, Wally Paynter – TSA, Bri Bolin – Transgender Action, William Wells – DADS, Nathan Simon – TSA, Kim Ashby – Boom Squad, Katie McMahon, Patchwork Central, Dan Miller – Executive Director, Jackie Hughes – Beacon Recovery, Dee Lewis – President, Leslie Jackson, Matt Knight, Kevin Groves – Southwestern Behavioral Health, Elizabeth Greenwell – Probation, Hannah McPhail-Duckworth – Counseling for Change, Courtney Horning – Smoke Free Evansville, Heather Woods – Vice-President, Julie Robinson – TSA, Tracey McCaffrey – Transgender Action

Guests:  JoAnne Delisle – Groups Recover Together

Dee Lewis, President,  called the meeting to order at 1:33 pm. The meeting was held in person and via Microsoft Teams.

Minutes of the September 6, 2021, meeting had been emailed in advance of the meeting.  Wally Paynter moved that the minutes be approved; Kim Ashby seconded the motion. The motion carried and the minutes were approved.

Committee Reports:

Prevention Committee.  Chairman Laura Wathen was not present.  The committee will meet after this meeting concludes

Law Enforcement Committee.  Chairman Daren Harmon gave the drug statistics for September and October, which are attached.   Drug arrests have reached the pre-pandemic status quo.  Narcotics usage appears to have increased.  There is also an increase in vaping tickets.  He also mentioned a breaking case where an Evansville child had used fentanyl.  The Law Enforcement/Criminal Justice Committee met on October 20.  They gathered statistics for the 2022 CCP.

Treatment Committee:  Chairman Jackie Hughes reported that the committee met prior on October 13.  The committee are gathering data and working on the SMART goals for the CCP.

Nominating Committee:  Chairman Jill Hoskins presented the committee’s nominees for office.  The slate of candidates for SAC officers is attached.  Dee Lewis asked if there were any nominations from the floor.  There were none.  Elections will be held at the annual meeting on December 6.  Wally Paynter announced that at the December meeting he will ask each candidate what his plan for the future operations of the council will be as Drug Free Communities Funds dwindle.

Director’s Report:  Dan Miller reported on the director’s activities since the last meeting.  His written report is attached to these minutes. 

Previous Business:

              Fall Festival:  Dan gave the report for the Fall Festival.  Not all the bills are in, but the Fall Festival booth did extremely well.  The total revenue was $9,089.00, compared to $5,442.00 in 2019.  Daily revenue was also higher compared to 2019.  He also recounted how he and Jill Hoskins dealt with supply chain issues; expenses will be higher because they had to find certain ingredients at retail when contracted suppliers were unable to fill the orders.  Dan also gave a shout out to Mike Gray who assisted Jill and Dan with getting an infusion of change to the booth on Tuesday night.

New Business:

Elections:  will be held at our Annual Meeting on December 6.  Dee Lewis announced that members may be in person or virtual and that voting can take place either way.

2022 Faces of Change:  Dan reported that it had been at least two years since the SAC had held a Faces of Change workshop.  This is a mostly revenue neutral event as we have gotten sponsors to help it.  He thinks we can resume it in 2022.  This would be an effort of the treatment committee and the events committee.  Of the members present, it was ascertained, based on past experience, that Brentwood Springs can be a meal sponsor, the YWCA can sponsor breakfast (?), Southwestern Behavioral Health can host us in the Welborn Conference room, Deaconess can print material, and either Deaconess or Southwestern can handle getting CEUs for participants.  Dan will work with these organizations and the treatment committee to get a date and a plan for a Faces of Change event in the spring of 2022.


Patchwork Central:  Molly Fahrlander and Katie McMahon presented on the SPARKs program being funded by SAC.  SPARKS is designed to help youth be more resilient, make better choices and avoid risky behaviors.  They had 33 participants in grades K through 8; those were lower pandemic numbers.  The participants come from the neighborhoods around Patchwork Central; 88% of the families were below 80% of the median income for the county

Vanderburgh Adult Probation:  Elizabeth Greenwell presented for the probation department.  1064 offenders were place on alcohol or drug probation in 2021.  They were supervised both pre- and post-sentencing.  They were predominantly level 6 alcohol related felonies and any level drug felony case.  The probation department received a grant in 2020 for Thinking for a Change, which it received permission to roll over into 2021.  Thinking for a Change is a behavioral modification program for high risk offenders.  It needs to be done in person, and the Probation Department is scheduling sessions for 2022.  A second grant is for drug screening; the grant enabled the purchase of a 15 panel test that includes fentanyl and some synthetic drugs.  So far 660 persons have been tested with 323 positives:  118 for THC, 69 for methamphetamine, 62 for amphetamine, 42 for ethyl glucuronide (an alcohol metabolite), 12 for fentanyl, 8 for cocaine, and 6 for benzodiazepines.  The third grant is for bus tokens which enables probations whose driving privileges have been suspended or have no transportation to appear for daily breathalyzers, drug screens and SUD treatment.

Groups Recover Together:  JoAnn Delisle introduced us to Groups Recover Together, which is a program that offer outpatient MAT (suboxone) to adults in recovery.  It is 100% virtual.  Someone at Groups takes phone calls 24/7, where the caller can complete a 6-question in-take examination.  That leads to a 90 minute bio-social intake interview which facilitates a provider evaluation.  Patients, except those who are pregnant can be prescribed 16 mg of suboxone or less.  They only deal in e-scripts.  Patients have to submit to 12 panel urinalysis testing.  They take Medicaid and Medicare, as well as most insurance.


Wally Paynter announced that TSA had its Halloween Dance this past Saturday and that there were 500 youth middle to high school in attendance.  He also announced that November 20 is Transgender Day of Remembrance.

The Annual meeting is scheduled Monday, December 6, at 1:30, at Central Library, Browning Room B. 

Prevention Committee will meet today after the general membership meeting.

The next Executive Committee Meeting is Monday, November 18, at noon, via Microsoft Teams.

Wally Paynter moved to adjourn the meeting; the motion was seconded by Kim Ashby.  The motion passed, and President Dee Lewis adjourned the meeting.

Submitted by Dan Miller


1 November 2021


Booth at the Community Resource Fair on September 18

Fall Festival: 

Cleaned and stocked it

Brothers transported to the festival 7:00 am Sunday morning

Jodi Uebelhack and friends from VCCC took it back to YWCA

Financial Review:

Reserved Conference Room at 501 John for Family Court group meetings

Projects, gathering information for:

Interview with Channel 44 re: SUD and OUD prevention

Felony Statistics Summary Report
10/01/2021 – 10/31/2021
Total: 162
Dealing in a Narcotic Drug: 5
Dealing in a Schedule I Controlled Substance: 4
Dealing in a Schedule IV Controlled Substance: 2
Dealing in Marijuana: 5
Dealing in Methamphetamine: 14
Possession of a Controlled Substance: 10
Possession of a Narcotic Drug: 11
Possession of Cocaine: 2
Possession of Marijuana: 39
Possession of Methamphetamine: 51
Possession of Paraphernalia: 12
Unlawful Possession of Syringe: 7

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